서브상단 글자

사회법연구 발간현황

pISSN : 1738-1118

사회법연구, Vol.40 (2020)

독일 근로시간법 상 특별연장근로제도


(부산대학교 법학전문대학원 교수(정교수), 법학박사)

현행 근로기준법 상 근로시간에 관한 유연제도는 주로 탄력근로제 등과 같이 해당 업무나 사업의 속성상 업무의 증감이 사전에 예측이 가능한 경우에 대응한 것이다. 하지만 업무의 증감이 사전에 전혀 예상할 수 없는 경우도 있다. 코로나 사태를 겪으면서 대다수의 업종은 근로시간을 단축하거나 휴업하였지만, 또 일부 업종은 오히려 엄청난 연장근로를 할 수 밖에 없었다. 이러한 현실에도 불구하고 종래 예상할 수 없는 상황에 대응한 연장근로에 대해 근로기준법 시행규칙에 재난 수습을 염두에 둔 규정을 두었을 뿐이었다. 최근에 이르러야 동 시행규칙을 개정하여 비교적 다양한 특별연장근로의 가능성을 열어 놓았다. 그럼에도 불구하고 특별연장근로제도가 단지 시행규칙에 규정되는 것이 옳은 것인지는 의문이다. 오히려 독일 근로시간법 상의 특별연장근로 규정 내용과 판례법리에서 보듯이 모법인 근로기준법 상에 이에 대한 세부적 규정을 두는 것이 옳다.

A study on the requirements for special overtime work in Germany


Discussion of working hours in Korea focused on quantitative regulation. And they were skewed only about the discussion of the flexible working hours on the premise of the usual situation. There is something important today. Consider the case of unusual circumstances that were ‘unforeseen’, not as a constant increase or decrease in the ‘expected’ workload caused by the nature of the work. Therefore, it is also necessary to prepare a flexible working hours system to cope with temporary and unusual situations. Unfortunately, this is only provided in Article 53 (4) of the Labor Standards Act. And as provided in Article 9 of the recently revised Enforcement Rules. From a doctrinal point of view two things remain. The first is discipline basis and discipline methodology. Special extended work has a very important meaning in the regulation of working hours. In our reality, the transition to the information and communication service society is taking a leap forward. Furthermore, in the legislative case of Germany, it can be seen that the special extended work system has various special cases in consideration of the public interest and the attributes of the industrial sector. Nevertheless, it is not advisable to specify it in the Circular. In our case, it seems necessary to refine these rules in detail. The second is the flaw in procedural discipline. In the future, it will be necessary to fully consider the characteristics of each industry and work in developing the special extended work system, but it is necessary to institutionalize measures for ensuring the right to health and sufficient consultation procedures between labor and management. Of course, exceptional work should be admitted in cases where extraordinary overtime work can lead to profound management losses or serious harm to the public in very unusual circumstances. If this situation is not recognized, the existence of the company itself, which is the foundation of labor-management coexistence, may be compromised. If so, cooperation and understanding between labor and management is essential.

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